Reduxyl Hair
Reduxyl Hair
Reduxyl is an additive for hair straitening products.
It promotes better results in products with formaldehyde in its formulation.
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Formula benefits:
· It helps to eliminate the formaldehyde smell by 70%.
· Increase the lasting of the straightening by 30%.
· Helps to protect the hair from the chemicals and the heat.
· Reduxyl is not a substance that masks the presence of formaldehyde in the process but is an additive that makes the formaldehyde reacts with the hair more efficiently, so you do not smell it during operation.
· Therefore is very important to follow the steps below to get the best result.
· It is an additive for straitening, which also helps in restoring the missing mass.
· Reduxyl increases the duration of any hair straitening.
· Ideal to use on chemist that contains formaldehyde.
· Use on damaged hair because Reduxyl gives thermal protection and also helps to rebuild the hair mass.
· It guarantees the reaction with the hair safer and more efficient.
How to use:
• Add 10 ml of Reduxyl in a bowl using the measuring cup.
• Add up to 100 ml of your chemical product you need to use (relaxer, brush, or color).
• Mix well and leave it to sit for 15 minutes.
• Apply the product as you are used to and allow it to soak for 20 minutes.
• Continue the process as you are used to doing.
Bio Genetyc is a bold and innovative cosmetic manufacturer company, with focus on products that deliver amazing results for your customers, and produce several important brands such as Argan Brush, Magic Sleek, Belle de Natur, Manga Rosa, among others.
The company has invested in equipment, technical expertise and qualified personnel, obtaining total control through the process of creation and at the final quality of our products.
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